Similar to their first installment, The Couch Session’s second designer room curation series NUance with Dee & Ricky was a big success at The Nu Hotel in Downtown Brooklyn and we’ve got some impressions from the event for you eyes to look at!
NUance transforms four hotel room walls into blank canvases, allowing a hand-selected series of artists the ability to create breathtaking designs. Each room project is matched with a custom music playlist curated by The Couch Sessions. The ground-breaking twins of urban couture Dee & Ricky tricked out The Nu Hotel with a lego telephone, clocks and an interactive velcro headboard. The brothers brought their native Staten Island street style to the New York City runway and overseas when their creativity caught the likes of Marc Jacobs, Pharrell and the Satorialist. Their pieces have been worn by Takeshi Murakami and Kanye West.