At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Swedish electronic tinkerers Teenage Engineering introduced the world’s first Cloud Speaker.
Let’s face it – music has moved to the cloud. And while this is a good thing for most of us, the audio equipment needed to listen to music in the cloud hasn’t really caught up with this transition. Teenage Engineering couldn’t find a single system that had a great user experience, so they set out to solve this problem once and for all! Everything’s built-in: a 100W integrated amplifier, integrated WiFi and a sound processor. The best thing is its gorgeously simple wireless volume remote which they claim will run to run for years on a single button cell battery.
Now why should you trust a small Swedish group of nerds to built an awesome speaker? Well, they already designed a camera out of cardboard for IKEA and they are behind the OP-1, a portable synthesiser/sampler that to this day is unmatched in user experience. We have one in our office and it has never been so much fun to produce quick beats. But we’re not tlaking about the OP-1, today it’s all about the OD-11! So if you want to read more about this cloud speaker, head over to now!