I Am Born In Flamez

Discovered by none other than Modeselektor, Born In Flamez, sat down with me to chat about the upcoming EP Polymorphous.

But how do you interview an upcoming musician who turns up to the interview like this? Looking into amorphous mask, with basically no notes thanks to failed internet searches I tried to wing it and get at least a few nuggets out of this enigma…

BKR: OK, can we please get rid of the elephant in the room. It’s not often that I interview someone wearing a mask… But in the last years we’ve had a handful of artists appearing in public only in disguise, be it DOOM, SBTRKT, Captain Murphy, Sido, etc. What’s your reason to wear a mask?

BiF: There´s not A single reason, but plenty. Most of all its a political statement, BIF is a non gendered project without a nationality. I see both of these as restrictive and would like to envision a future where none of them matter anymore. BIF is in that future now already.

BKR: I saw your Boiler Room set, which was refreshingly different. What’s running through your mind before you perform live?

BiF: The boiler room set is actually a DJ set. I dont know why they called it “Live” probably because you could stream it “live”. I always include some live elements in my dj set, but when I actually play a live concert I sing and play the keyboard or guitar and the computer. Before I perform, no matter if live or dj I´m super nervous, I usually think about multiple things, the technical aspects, the lighting. breathing techniques but mostly its a lot about cables, tuning devices, but sometimes also about shoes.

BKR: If there was no music in the world, what would you do instead?

BiF: I would write weird stories and essays about the immediate.

BKR: What was the last record you bought?

BiF: Ghost Kwini’s “Gothic Sheik” and some of the stuff on her records.

BKR: What do you associate with Brooklyn?

BiF: “Pims Cocktail” at the 5 leaves, Veronica´s, great fashion, beautiful queers, crazy prices, coconut milk, ice-cream.

BKR: What TV show, book or movie would you tell someone about to help them understand you as a friend and why?

BiF: It would be hard to pin that down to one thing only. I would probably make a list. It would contain some childrens books like “The Neverending Story”, some nouvelle vague movies, definitely “Born In Flames”, a lot of sci-fi by Phillip Dick and Octavia Butler, some Marx and Judith Butler´s gender trouble. Maybe this Wolfgang Tilmans teen portrait book I have would at least mark some of the dots to get a minimum of this multi faceted being that someone wants to befriend.

BKR: Tell us a bit about your upcoming project.

BiF: My EP called “Polymorphous” is coming out on the 13th of October. It’s going to be enrcypted in an etched glass pyramid. It contains 4 tracks ranging from experimental ambient noise to some more industrial pop tracks, with some gritty, grimey hiphop beats, one of them featuring my beloved friend Perera Elsewhere.


On the next level I want to make the whole thing 3d visual, I can´t wait until we´ll be finally be able to create BIF as a holographic project.

But before that there will be a collaboration with my favourite new producer called Glass Eyes. another collaboration with phon.o and a feature on Robot Koch´s upcoming EP.

The BIF storm is coming!


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