A Tortured Honesty

Len Sander are a gang of four. When they first debuted (circa three years back), they had a couple of extra members on board with them. Who knows what had happened to them – I guess it doesn’t matter now – but what matters is that the new outfit sounds mighty tight. The Future of Lovers, which is band’s sophomore release, is what I would call a really cold, confident piece of recorded history!

I could imagine that as a complete record it will outlast a great deal of its contemporaries and will probably be revisited by many in the future. (BTW. What is the meaning of a future when you’re traveling at the speed of light, and how would you go about measuring the distance between the now and then? Tangent! Over!)

What I like about this release most, is that it’s a well-designed vehicle for communicating a very deep type of vulnerability. It’s sort of a Trojan horse of sorts. This, of course, is clearly the contribution of vocalist Blanka Inauen, who seems to have committed herself to what I would call an almost tortured form of honesty – something that most great art, at least, aspires to. Production wise, The Future of Lovers is very modern. The sound-design doesn’t shy away from dirt, noises and all types of sonic experiments (probably some field recordings have been snuggly tucked into the final mixes as well).

Apparently you can also download the sample pack of all the sounds that were created and compiled, and used during the production phase of this record (best to shoot over to their website for more info). In closing, hats off to Alessandro Hug, the producer and the man with the golden ears who pulled all the right strings to create one hell of a release!


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