A while back a notorious character, which goes by the name Th’Mole, hosted the Magical Bass show on Brooklyn Radio. Since he left, he’s been touring, releasing albums and was up to a bunch of other shenanigans. Last week we got word, that he’s now starting his own podcast extravaganza.
Head over to http://spaz.org/molehole and tune in to a weekly trip into a crazy vortex of Th’ Mole’s favorite new and old music selections, exclusive tracks, guests, comedy, games, and moer! Th’ Mole makes a habit of scouring the internet for the freshest sounds of any and all genres. Enjoy the fruits of his countless hours of labor every Sunday at 8pm (Pacific Standard Time) until 11 or so.
You can join him at http://www.facebook.com/motionrecordings to take part in their weekly stupid text-rap battle, the weekly contest, vote on which karaoke song you want Th’ Mole to sing, and interact live with Th’ Mole and fellow listeners. If you read this on a Sunday evening, here’s a link to the live stream at http://